The Next Generation

Tonight I will have the privilege of working with some junior high and high school students as they prepare to lead worship on Easter morning. A few weeks ago several of them gathered to learn a song they would play on hand chimes. About half of them had a strong grasp of music theory while others had very little experience. When I asked who could read music, the front row was quite to respond in the affirmative while the back row hesitated. Without hesitation, every player in the front row turned around to help and guide someone in the back row. I didn’t ask them to do this; they saw their peers struggling and immediately offered to help. I wish I could have captured that moment on camera because it gave me such hope for the future.

Many young people today have taken to the streets demanding change and accountability. Too many of these kids have faced scorn and ridicule from their elders. It’s been suggested these kids have no idea what goes on in the “real world”. While I agree these kids don’t have the benefit of a lifetime of experience, I think they have seen and experienced enough of the “real world” to date and their demands for change should be heard. These kids have to face lock-down drills and potential shooters in their next class. These kids have to plan an exit strategy should the worst happen during a chemistry test or a band rehearsal.

They could be better people, crack down on bullying and be more inclusive; at least that’s what they’ve been told by adults who do no such thing. For their sake and my own I hope they don’t give up. I hope they realize the most powerful weapon they could ever have is their voice and I hope they continue to use their voice for positive change in a world jaded and corrupted by power and greed.

End Transmission