Fake News

IMG_4990So recently I was told I was un-American for my political views, that I disrespect the code of having served my country and that I am in fact turning against it. This was from a woman I don’t believe I’ve ever actually met nor had a conversation with. A mutual friend on Facebook had posted a political meme (you know, those pictures with quotes on them) and it was patently false. It was what I would consider the very definition of fake news.

I did a quick internet search and verified the quote was entirely made up then remarked how many of my Republican friends often share memes and posts that tell a story very different from the truth. In short, I called my friend out for sharing “fake news”. This woman saw my comment and immediately made the assumption that I somehow supported what the meme stated (for the record is said Democrats believed social security was a right for illegal immigrants). I don’t know why she made that assumption so in my reply to her comment, I reiterated the meme was false and encouraged her to do her own research to find the truth for herself; to not take my word for it alone. Based on her reply after that, she did not take my advice and made further disparaging remarks about my character.

I think the part that surprised me most was that after a full day, my “friend” still had the post on her wall. Now if it were me and I posted something I believed to be true but later found out was false, I wouldn’t be able to get that post down fast enough! Is that because I value the truth more than this friend of mine? I hope that’s not the case.

I am supremely careful about what I share on my newsfeed because I don’t want to be the source of propaganda or misinformation. I recognize how dangerous that can be because I actually had to read books like Orwell’s 1984 when I was in school; it made an impression. I was taught in the Navy that integrity is what you do when no one is looking. The bible very clearly tells us “Do not lie” and to “rejoice in the truth.”

What I am seeing with this woman who said some pretty terrible things about me, is a trend among Americans where they’d rather stay with their own beliefs, however false, than challenge their preconceptions. Whether because of propaganda or xenophobia, I am seeing more and more people become entrenched in one side or the other, forgetting that there really are no sides if we are to remain one country; e pluribus unum.

To my friends who are Democrats, not all Republicans are bad and not all of them share the same ideological beliefs as the leader of their party. To all my Republican friends, I would encourage you to really consider what it is the Democratic party advocates for (and doesn’t advocate for) and not jump to conclusions based on your own bias or preconceptions. Maybe, just maybe, the divide between parties isn’t so great.

When I took my oath back in 1999 to defend my country, it was from all enemies foreign and domestic. Right now I believe misinformation is our greatest enemy of all and while I no longer wear the uniform of a United States sailor, I still consider myself under oath.

End Transmission.

Please Don’t Make Me Un-Friend You

Having served in the military and having lived in various parts of the country, I have accumulated a diverse group of friends on social media. Prior to the election in November of 2016 my newsfeed was filled with pictures of food, adventures, and family time with the occasional political post or news article. Generally everyone was polite and friendly with little to no trolling. I miss those days.

Since the election of the 45th U.S. president things have gotten rather chaotic every morning when I sit down to scroll through my newsfeed. The first half of 2017 I felt like I had to “suit up” and engage in debate with people I used to have little to no interaction with outside the occasional “Like”. Thankfully things have slowly returned to a new normal. It isn’t quite the “flowers and butterflies” of before but it has become manageable.

There are always political posts from people with varying opinions, news articles about the latest tweet or scandal. But there are also recipes and family pictures to make up for it. I don’t feel like I have to armor up to see what my friends are up to. Yet there are a few people out there whose new “normal” make it very difficult for me to stay engaged.

I ultimately had to unfriend someone on Facebook. I’m a fairly tolerant individual and I like to hear good arguments about both sides of an issue before I weigh in. I know I may come to a discussion with my own preconceptions but I make a concerted effort to set them aside when I engage with someone who has a different point of view. I respect anyone who does the same. What I cannot abide is someone who frequently posts false or misleading information than refuses to discuss their position on any of it. When the volume of such vitriol begins to flood my news feed where every other post is a negative rant against a group of people simply because they look or think differently, something has to stop. Facebook has the option of blocking a person’s posts from appearing on your newsfeed for 30 days. I tried it out and suddenly it was easier to scroll my newsfeed without seeing the hate.

After 30 days and the posts began appearing again I decided an online friendship no longer worked for me. While the posts this person continued to share weren’t directed at me personally, it didn’t always feel that way since this person’s condemnation was directed at many of the issues I support. I tried numerous times to point out factual errors and I cited multiple legitimate sources to back up my position and in return no comments were made; only more garbage posts. Un- friend.

I like having a diverse group of friends with ideas different than my own. It keeps me honest and it keeps me thinking. When a conservative friend of mine shares an article or makes a statement on an issue I listen and try to see it from their point of view even if it’s one I don’t share. So please, dear social media friends, be thoughtful in what you share especially if you know it might be hurtful or offensive to some of your friends. We are friends after all.

End Transmission